The Hotel Amarano welcomes you to Havana Nights 2025!
For your convenience, we have created a discount booking link and Group Code exclusive for this event to reserve your rooms online or over the phone.
The Amarano Hotel is just a few short blocks from the venue and there will be a shuttle bus to and from the event.
Please forward this email to all your guests who need accommodations and these important reminders / instructions:
- Rooms must be reserved before “CUT OFF DATE”of July 31st, 2025, for availability of group rates.
There are also a limited number of rooms offered at the group rate.
Any additional rooms to the group block are based on availability.
- After clicking on the booking link, guests need to enter the number of people in the room, check in and check out dates, then click SEARCH.
Dates of stay must be within the group dates contracted, Friday,
August 22, 2025 (arrival) – Sunday, August 24, 2025 (departure). Any reservations outside of the group dates contracted must be reserved separately OR call Laurie Dew in sales department. Group code
is 082225HAVANA

3. Phone instructions: advise the agent that you are making a reservation under a block, and you have
the code. Agent will then ask for the Group Code, 082225HAVANA, and the arrival and departure dates.
Please make sure the dates of stay are within the contracted dates, Friday, August 22, 2025 (arrival) –
Sunday, August 24, 2025 (departure). Any reservations outside of the group dates contracted must be
reserved separately OR call Laurie Dew in sales department.
[email protected] or 818-260-4712
3. HAVANA NIGHTS AUGUST 2025 will appear or be confirmed by the agent as the group you are
booking with. Room options and the group rate will appear on the website or be given verbally as
options to book. For online bookings, please click “VIEW MORE ROOMS” (located at the bottom of
“BOOK NOW”) for more room options.
4. Sign up for Amarano’s A-lister reward program and BOOK NOW. Enter all personal information
including credit card for guarantee. You should receive a confirmation email with details of your